Local Green Bay IT Specialists (920) 569-2681

Nigelthorn Malware Advisory

A new form of malware was discovered in March of 2018 and is quickly infecting computer systems all over the Internet.nigelthorn-malware-blog-post-image  According to thehackernews.com, the malware, Nigelthorn, is being spread through Facebook links that appear to be from a source that you may know and trust.  After clicking on the link, you will be directed to a “look-alike” site.  This site mirrors the appearance of a popular website and prompts the user to install a Google Chrome extension.

Radware.com explains that once the extension is installed, it can begin to steal any passwords the user has saved in Chrome, use your system to mine cyrptocurrency, and spread itself through the infected user’s Facebook account.  Radware security researchers state that this malware infection is, at this point, only affecting users of Google Chrome.  Edge, Internet Explorer and Firefox are currently immune from this infection.

If you believe you have an infected Google Chrome extension or would like to ask us any questions, please feel free to contact one of our friendly IT support technicians at (920) 569-2681.  If you live in the greater Green Bay / De Pere area, you can stop in and see us for some advice at our office located at 400 Reid Street in De Pere, WI.